推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜提供各种学生俱乐部和组织,以促进学生的全面发展. 这些活动为参与和领导提供了巨大的机会,并迎合了各种各样的兴趣.e., academics, honors, religion, politics, professional and service). 适当的审批机构在申请过程中确定这些团体的官方大学认可.


# SafeFalcons

Instill the concept of lifelong learning and the advancement of healthcare, while improving the quality of life of the general population.


活跃的思想 at Club Fest


Dedicated to saving lives and building stronger families and communities. 通过教育, 研究, 宣传, and a focus on students and young adults, 活跃的思想开启了关于心理健康的对话,并在谈论心理健康的方式上创造了持久的变化, 照顾, and valued in the United States.

Alpha Kappa Alpha table at Club Fest

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. 于1908年在霍华德大学校园内成立,Alpha Kappa Alpha的Gamma Xi分会于1949年在分校园内成立.  The sorority has flourished into a globally-impactful organization of nearly 300,000 college-trained members, 以姐妹情谊为纽带,以在国内和国际范围内的仆人式领导的承诺为力量.

To learn more about this organization, please visit their 国家的网站.

Alpha Kappa Mu Induction Ceremony

Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society

一个普通奖学金荣誉社团,向所有学术领域的大三、大四男女开放,只要符合该社团的要求.Our purpose is to promote high 奖学金; to encourage sincere and zealous endeavor in all fields of knowledge and service; to cultivate a high order of personal living; and 开发 an appreciation for 奖学金 and scholarly endeavor in others. 

Alpha Phi Alpha on the plot

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 于1906年在康奈尔大学校园内成立,1948年在分校园内成立了Alpha Phi Alpha的Gamma Psi分会. The organization is built on stimulating the ambition of it’s members; to prepare them for the greatest usefulness in the causes of humanity, 自由, and dignity of the individual.

To learn more about this organization, please visit their 国家的网站.

Campus Activities Board

Campus Activities Board (CAB)

The Campus Activities Board provides fun and creative social, 多元文化的, 促进学生参与校内外的娱乐和教育活动. 从电影, 讲座, 文化庆祝活动, 音乐会, 喜剧节目, 去郊游, 同学会, 还有更多, CAB provides co-curricular activities that enhance the Falcon experience.


Christian Fellowship Organization (CFO)

基督教团契组织是由学生领导的基督教成立和基督教社区的组织. This is a registered student organization that plans social events, 精神的形成, and community outreach opportunities.



The 分 车队 is a club sport housed in the School of Business, 管理, and Technology’s Department of Sport 管理. 分 is the first HBCU to have it’s own cycling team.



Daughters of Saint Augustine's

Daughters of Saint Augustine’s

Check back for more information on this great registered student organization.


Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 于1913年在霍华德大学校园内成立,Delta Sigma Theta的Gamma Rho分会于1948年在分校园内成立.  Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, 该协会是一个由受过大学教育的妇女组成的组织,致力于其成员的建设性发展和以黑人社区为主要重点的公共服务.

To learn more about this organization, please visit their 国家的网站.






Check back for more information on this great registered student organization.


International Student Organization (ISO)


Iota Phi Theta at Step Show

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. 1963年在摩根州立大学校园成立,2016年在分校园成立了Theta Phi分会.  The fraternity’s purpose is, “the development and perpetuation of Scholarship, 领导, 公民身份, 忠诚, and Brotherhood among Men.” 

To learn more about this Organization, please visit their 国家的网站.

Kappa Alpha Psi漫步

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. 于1911年在印第安纳大学校园内成立,Kappa Alpha Psi的Gamma Omicron分会于1949年在分校园内成立.  兄弟会将寻求提高黑人青年的视野,并激励他们取得比其他可能实现甚至想象的更高的成就.

To learn more about this organization, please visit their 国家的网站.

Kappa Kappa Psi Coat of Arms

Kappa Kappa Psi Honorary Band Fraternity

Kappa Kappa Psi通过有目的的节目来授权和影响充满活力和多样化的大学乐队运动, 统一的消息, and excellence in service and operations.


National Council of Negro Women (NCNW)

全国黑人妇女委员会是一个联盟,由32个州的200个社区分会和38个国家组织附属机构组成,致力于启发和激励超过3个,000,000名男女. 它的使命是领导, advocate for and empower women of African descent, their families and communities.



National Pan-Hellenic Council

全国泛希腊理事会(NPHC)是一个由九个历史悠久的黑人国际希腊字母兄弟会和姐妹会组成的合作组织. The nine NPHC organizations are also colloquially referred to as the “Divine Nine.”


National 潘兴步枪

The purpose of the National Society of 潘兴步枪 is 开发, to the highest degree possible, outstanding traits of leadership, 军事科学, 军事轴承, and discipline within the framework of a military oriented, 荣誉联谊会.

Omega Psi Phi's at the Step Show

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. 于1911年在霍华德大学校园成立,Omega Psi Phi的Kappa Epsilon分会于1947年在分校园成立.  欧米茄建立了一支强大而有效的男子力量,致力于其男子气概的基本原则, 奖学金, 毅力, 和提升. 

To learn more about this organization, please visit their 国家的网站.

Phi Beta Sigmas in the Cafeteria

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. 于1914年在霍华德大学校园成立,1948年在分校园成立了Phi Beta Sigma的Beta Xi分会. 将自己视为一般社区的“一部分”而不是“脱离”一般社区的组织. They believed that each potential member should be judged by his own merits, rather than his family background or affluence.

To learn more about this organization, please visit their 国家的网站.



The 诗歌俱乐部 gives students the opportunity to join others who share a love of words. It provides students with a venue to exchange poetry, songs or any creative writing and determines ways to showcase work.


Pre-校友 Council (PAC)

The purpose fo the Pre-校友 Council (PAC) is to stimulate the interest, pride and participation of the students enrolled at Saint Augustine’s University. PAC also preserves and increases further loyalty and fellowship between the students, 校友, 教职员工.

Sigma Gamma Rho's at Step Show

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. 于1922年在巴特勒大学校园内成立,Sigma Gamma Rho的Nu分会于1951年在分校园内成立.  妇女联谊会的使命是提高美国妇女及其家庭的生活质量.S. and globally through community service, civil, and social action.

To learn more about this Organization, please visit their 国家的网站.

Sons of Saint Augustine's

Sons of Saint Augustine’s

Check back for more information on this great registered student organization.



Check back for more information on this great registered student organization.


Student Government Association (SGA)

学生会协会(SGA)的使命是为FSU学生提供代表, 服务, and 宣传 within the university structure. The SGA provides quality leadership for, 问责制, its constituency by recognizing that strength arises from diversity, 订婚, 和对话.



茎俱乐部 is a powerful and enjoyable way to engage young people with science, 技术, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects.


Tau Beta Sigma Honorary Band Sorority

Providing exceptional service to collegiate bands and promoting equality and diversity, including empowering women in the band profession. 培养领导力、教育成就、音乐欣赏和社区发展.

Zeta Phi Beta at Club Fest

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Zeta Phi Beta于1920年在霍华德大学校园成立,而Zeta Phi Beta分会于1951年在分校园成立. The Sorority looks to help individuals through mind, body and spirit and serve to empower people from all walks of life.

To learn more about this organization, please visit their 国家的网站.

会员资格根据各自组织的国家政策和入会/入会程序而定. Hazing, humiliation, pledging, and harassment are strictly prohibited. 发现违反此政策的组织将立即被暂停,并可能被吊销其作为官方认可组织的章程/执照.